Fields in this window

Analyze Jobs window

Job Number

Enter the number of the job whose information you want to view. You can also click the search icon and select the job from the list.

Percent Complete

The percentage of completion for the job you enter in the Job Number field appears in this field. If youíre viewing a detail job, you can change the percentage of completion in this window, if you wish.

List of profit and loss accounts

All accounts affected by jobs appear in this list. Information about the progress of the job youíre viewing is broken down according to account.

Budgets column

The budgets for this job appear in the this column for each account. You entered the budgets in the Job Budgets by Account window for this job.

Adjusted Budgets column

Adjusted budgets for this job based upon the jobís percentage of completion appear in this column for each account. (An adjusted budget is calculated by multiplying a budget amount by the jobís percentage of completion.)

Actuals column

Each accountís activity for this job appears in the this column.

Difference column

The difference between the actual account activity for this job and the adjusted budgets for each account appears in this column.

Print button

Click the Print button to print the Jobs [Budget Analysis] report.

Up button

Click this button to view general job information that includes accounts at higher levels only.

Down button

Click this button to view more detailed job information that includes accounts at lower levels.

Dollar button

Click this button to view the amounts in the Difference column as dollar amounts.

Percent button

Click this button to view the amounts in the Difference column as percentages.

Close button

Click this button to close this window.

Fields in the Analyze Jobs window